du kan inte stänga av den
du har alltid varit ett stolpskott som mestadels bara medfört störningar och underliga begär. Men jag kommer att sakna dig sådär ohumant mycket att jag kommer att bli förbannad på mig själv.
Jag bara älskar att jobbar 13-21-30 och 07-16 dagen efter. Awsome, verkligen awesome
Jag bara älskar att jobbar 13-21-30 och 07-16 dagen efter. Awsome, verkligen awesome
I just want to be there when the morninglight explode
It's like living with this emptiness. You don't act the way you used to, you don't react the way you normally would do. You recognise the awful feeling you know as love, and you doesn't take a dramatic step back to get attention. You take a step back because you actually doesn't want to be around him.
You don't cry. You used to cry easily, but that changed when something happend a while ago. You really changed. You still feel all the same feelings; the love, the lonliness, the urge to be close, the need to be alone. But you don't act it out.
You used to be aware of your feelings and actions but made the mistakes anyway. Now, you really doesn't see the mistakes until afterwards. The agony is all new. I hate the agony. The shame of knowing that you tricked someone without knowing it. And the rush of panic when the mistake is close. All you want to do is to trow yourself at the floor and scream; GET AWAY FROM ME!
Your feelings used to be so well connected with your actions. Now, the message doesn't come trough, there's a blockage. With one exeption; when the feelings is trigging something physical you react. You do something. And the takes the rejection and shut it inside of you. You don't torture yourself like you used to, you just shut down.
Losing intrest. Getting tired. Growing older? Becoming who I am or losing what I've known as 'myself'?
You don't cry. You used to cry easily, but that changed when something happend a while ago. You really changed. You still feel all the same feelings; the love, the lonliness, the urge to be close, the need to be alone. But you don't act it out.
You used to be aware of your feelings and actions but made the mistakes anyway. Now, you really doesn't see the mistakes until afterwards. The agony is all new. I hate the agony. The shame of knowing that you tricked someone without knowing it. And the rush of panic when the mistake is close. All you want to do is to trow yourself at the floor and scream; GET AWAY FROM ME!
Your feelings used to be so well connected with your actions. Now, the message doesn't come trough, there's a blockage. With one exeption; when the feelings is trigging something physical you react. You do something. And the takes the rejection and shut it inside of you. You don't torture yourself like you used to, you just shut down.
Losing intrest. Getting tired. Growing older? Becoming who I am or losing what I've known as 'myself'?